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10 Things Interfering with your Infant's Development
During their first year of life, infants experience extremely fast-paced development. Within just a few months, they develop exceptional motor and cognitive capabilities, and make the largest developmental leap of their lives. So, how can we help them? Our main challenge is not to interfere.Read more
5 Tips To Make Life Easier on Nursing Women
Any woman who has nursed or who is currently nursing knows just how well breastfeeding helps form a bond between mother and child and creates exceptionally magical, intimate moments. But nursing isn’t always smooth sailingRead more
Child's Play: On the Importance of Play and the Role it Plays in Infant Development
We all want our infants to develop and the internet is chock-full of developmental charts according to various infants ages. To encourage infant development according to their age, you need not purchase expensive developmental toys. They key to development is in the attention, communication and sensory stimulation your provide. Or, in other words: in playRead more
Starting Solids? Discover the Foods Most Dangerous for Infants
Is your infant ready to taste solids? Now’s the time to get acquainted with a wide variety of healthy and nutritious foods, such as fruit, vegetables, chicken, fish, meat, legumes and grains. That being said, there are also foods that we recommend avoiding, especially in their first year of life (and sometimes altogether), such as sugar, salt, food coloring, trans fats and more. Here’s the full list:Read more
Stages of Infant Development: Watch the Wonders Unfold
When it progresses normally, it is a cause for joy and serenity. When it is delayed, it causes great concern and when it is early, it is a source of prideful celebration: infant development is one of the topics that preoccupies many parents throughout those early infant stages. The infant develops at a dizzying pace in those initial months of life, during which they discover their capabilities and the world at the same time. Here is a complete guide to the development of infants from birth through six months of age. It will help you understand what to expect.Read more
Infant Emotional Development
They may look so tiny, helpless and having the most basic needs, but infants have complex social systems and clear emotional needs - from the moment they are born. What constitutes infant emotional development and how can you contribute to its success and encourage it to take place normatively?Read more
A Tale of Warmth & Love: The Importance of Touch to Infants' development
Have you ever heard of an infant massage course? You likely have; they’re everywhere. This is because infant massage responds to a broad physical need. But why is touch so important to infant development? Turns out, touch reaches much more than spot-specific massage points and is no less important than nutrition. It responds to your infants emotional-developmental needs, as exhibited from birth.Read more
Going Back to School and Pre-school: Challenges and Sources of Joy
Summer vacation is over. There is no single parent who won’t admit to feel some relief when their children head back to school. You won’t need to entertain them all day, or take vacation days from work. But what happens now? How do you get them used to their new daily schedules? How do you help them find the joy that is in the start of the new school year?Read more
Developmental Delays in Infants
The first three years of your infant’s life are the MOST significant with respect to development. During these years, infants acquire new skills in all developmental areas.

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